Looking for a fun and creative way to keep your kids busy while school’s out?

Put their electronics to good use learning a new skill set as a stop motion animator, with no experience needed! As though being chauffeur, chef, tutor, and coach weren’t enough, it’s time to find something for your kids to do while school isn’t in session!

At this point, your choices are to multitask zoom calls with snack requests, or to hire the babysitter down the street who charges $20/hour to watch Tik Tok and toss fruit snacks at your kids.

Thanks to animation camp, your camper will have a week of projects, prompts, and creative challenges to complete as they learn and develop stop motion skills, which means:

You’ll only hear “Mom, look!” a few times a day as they present work they’re proud of..instead of just to show you how they have yet again turned the living room into a fort. They’ll learn a new skill that they can continue to use beyond the end of camp - the new confidence is just an added bonus. You’ll have the ability to be as hands-on or hands-off as you want. Slow day at work? Join in on the stop motion fun and act as your budding artist’s assistant. Inbox slammed? Almost all of the projects we cover can be done without parental supervision!

tell me more!

An online, week-long program where campers can learn at their own pace. We're dedicated to making stop motion FUN and easy to learn for young kids. 


Let’s use technology to our advantage as parents, and have kids spend hours creating and developing a new passion instead of watching Youtubers play Roblox or apply the perfect winged eyeliner.

 Not only are students who are involved in the arts are 4x more likely to be recognized for academic achievement, those skills can open doors later in life; 72% of employers say that creativity is the #1 skill they look for when hiring.

turn your sound on!

Turn your sound on and watch!

for any budding animator using your child’s favorite toys, foods, and outfits, so they can create art with their favorite characters and stories. It’s an easy, professionally guided way for kids to learn a new craft through hours of entertainment, so you can cross a few things off of your to-do list instead of hearing, “I’m so bored!” all day long.

5 days of stop motion education tailored for a younger audience so that campers can understand and execute with no prior experience needed. We work on photography, storytelling, and editing skills through fun projects and prompts that will open kids up to a new form of art and potential future jobs in an artistic field - and all you need to have is a phone or tablet with a camera!

Animation Camp teaches the fundamentals of stop motion that are essential


Best for ages 7-13

What's Inside


modules with 30
video lessons


digital workbook for camp projects

a shopping list of materials


a list of creative prompts and ideas to help them continue to grow and create all year long!

This course includes:


Throughout the week, we will focus on different themes, techniques, and artistic styles so that your camper will walk away with a sash full of badges and a new skill set, including:

modules with 30 video lessons

you had me at badges

Throughout the week, we will focus on different themes, techniques, and artistic styles so that your camper will walk away with a sash full of badges and a new skill set, including:

Module 06.
movie making

We round out our week of projects by bringing together everything you’ve learned to make a short stop motion film! You’ll determine who will be in your movie and who will help out behind the scenes - we even give you name badges to assign roles! You’ll create your masterpiece start to finish, including:

✓ Developing the storyline and storyboarding your idea visually
✓ Editing your shots into one cohesive animation
✓Adding sound effects and audio tracks over your photographs
✓ Combining everything we learned to make a totally unique movie from your imagination.

Module 01.
stop motion 101

Module 05.
play with your food

Sometimes, it’s ok to play with your food! In this lesson we focus on showcasing food as the star of our animations, while building on our stop motion learnings to develop new skills, including:

✓Watching your drink come to life and pour itself
✓ Swapping drink colors and flavors with a festive cheers!
✓ Creating faces, shapes, and words out of sweet snacks
✓ Making your food disappear (may come in handy the next time
you serve broccoli with dinner!)
✓ Developing recipes one ingredient at a time

On our first day of shooting, we will focus on movement and bring the motion to our stop motion animations through project prompts like:

✓ Creating background scenes and characters out of construction paper and craft supplies
✓ Popping a wheelie using a toy with wheels to drive through the scene
✓ Using legos, stuffed animals, and other favorites to bring your toys to life!

You can’t make the perfect s’more without knowing the ingredients! We’ll go over everything you need to get started with animation, including…

✓ the basics of stop motion
✓ How to use natural lighting
(and what to do on a cloudy day instead!)
✓ The best camera angles to capture your stop motion movement
✓ The art of storytelling and how you can craft a narrative as magical as your stop motion videos
✓ How to use the LifeLapse app to bring it all together!

Module 01.

Module 02.
bring your toys to life

Module 03.

Once we have mastered movement, we will add a little magic to our animations through illusions that Professor McGonigal would award 10 points! We’ll make enchanting animations, like:

✓ Pulling too many objects out of a hat, purse, or gift box
✓ Changing the color of an apple with the touch of a wand (pros call this the replacement transition technique)
✓ Taking the replacement illusion to the next level by colliding objects and turning them into something new and surprising
✓ Creating an illusion using items found in nature!

Collect badges along the way!

After working with toys and crafts, it’s time to create some stop motion videos starring humans! Campers will star in their own creations, with a friend, sibling, or parent there to serve as their photographer! We’ll capture:

✓ Flying through the air as though you’ve been sprinkled
with pixie dust
✓ Sliding through scenes without taking a single step!
✓ Changing outfits in the blink of an eye until you find just the right clothing combination, or swapping outfits with your bestie.
✓ A family portrait, stop motion style!

Module 01.
stop motion 101

Module 04.

On our first day of shooting, we will focus on movement and bring the motion to our stop motion animations through project prompts like:

✓ Creating background scenes and characters out of construction paper and craft supplies
✓ Popping a wheelie using a toy with wheels to drive through the scene
✓ Using legos, stuffed animals, and other favorites to bring your toys to life!
✓ Learn about rigging and make characters out of
 pipe cleaners

I’m a commercial stop motion animator,
creative director, and teacher.

I’ve helped hundreds of professional stop motion artists find their footing and propel their businesses to new levels using animation to stand out from the crowd and offer a niche service - and now, I’m excited to teach the next generation of budding artists the basics of stop motion!

Hi, I’m Claire!

I’ve made creative content for some of the world’s biggest brands both as the director of the New York Time’s creative studio as well as with my own boutique creative studio Oui Create. 

The average babysitter charges a going rate of $20/hr (per kid) these days. The passive aggressive thank you texts you’d have to send your mother in law for watching them are even MORE expensive. And in-person camps come with so much paperwork, you’re considering a wrist brace for your newly developed carpal tunnel.

For significantly less than the cost of a week long sitter, your campers will bring their imagination to life and learn a new skill they can practice over and over again. 

what's the cost of camp?

My daughter's love for painting and creativity came alive (literally!) through stop-motion animation. Claire made the entire process enjoyable and easy for my 7 year old to grasp. What I loved the most was my daughter's immense pride in her final videos. She was able to create them with minimal help from me with clear step by step instructions. The course provided a hidden opportunity for her to learn and have fun while being actively engaged, diverting her attention from excessive video game playing. 10/10 highly recommend! 

- juliana N

So fun and helpful! Animation Camp allowed my 6 year old child to use technology in a way that guided her to develop a sophisticated virtual product, which gave me more peace of mind than simply turning on the tv. I enjoyed getting to see what narratives she was considering which revealed what was on her mind. And, of course, absolutely loved seeing the final product. 
Great modules, easy to use, highly recommend.

- caitlin r

The projects in the class are open-ended enough for your kids to return time and time again to create something new using the same prompts. My 7 year old son enjoys cooking, so he especially loved the assignments that incorporated food!  As a boy mom, I think Claire did a great job of showing examples and giving suggestions that appeal to both boys and girls. The mom guilt over screen time is gone the second he shows me his latest creation - he's so proud, and I'm thrilled he's using his imagination! Animation Camp is worth every penny!

- Caitlin R

- Christina B

Marielle, seven years old

- Christina B

Questions? I’ve got answers.


What gear and materials does my child need to complete this course?

The most important and crucial thing you’ll need to complete this course is a phone or tablet. We also ask that you download the Pro version of the LifeLapse app (this is a paid subscription, but LifeLapse is offering a special extended trial code for our students!). Beyond that, the rest of the materials are nice to have, but not necessary. A tripod and a bluetooth remote clicker are the two pieces of gear that would be great to have, but again aren’t imperative for success. We give you, and the campers, hacks for using household items in a pinch for anything you don’t have handy. There's also a few items we'll need for various projects, but most can be found around the house.


How much parent participation is necessary?

As much or as little as you want! We clearly denote the level of parental supervision for each project in our course workbook. Our goal is to make this easy for them to understand and execute on their own. If you want to assist, I am sure your little artist would love the assistance, but if you’d rather be more hands off you totally can be! This is also pretty dependent on age - you’ll likely be more comfortable with your 13 year old handling food coloring than your 7 year old! A few of our projects are much easier to execute with a second set of hands, but that could be a friend, a sibling, or a grandparent if you are busy! When testing, 6 year olds also enjoyed camp but needed more parent involvement. 


I know you said no experience necessary, but my kiddo is a beginner. Is that ok?

OMGosh YES. When I say no experience, I mean you literally don’t have to have any knowledge of photography or animation. All I need my campers to know is how to take a picture on the phone or tablet they’ll be using for the duration of the week. Everything else I will teach! We've had great success with an age range between 7-13. For our youngest campers, they'll need to be able to read, operate a camera, and use an intuitive app for editing. On the opposite end of the spectrum, our oldest campers are probably ready to graduate from our program once the projects and prompts sound childish and silly instead of fun and inspiring. If Disney, art and crafts, and playing dress up aren’t considered cool, you may be too old to enjoy Animation Camp. However, we think any young filmmaker will enjoy the skills learned in this camp - and we really do mean no experience necessary. 


Do you teach your students how to use the LifeLapse software to edit and create their videos?

We sure do! LifeLapse is a really terrific platform because it’s incredibly user friendly. Throughout the course, campers will watch me use the app on my phone so they can easily copy my steps to successfully capture, edit, and share their animations. 


Does this course need to be taken over a week? What if my child gets bored halfway through?

This course is totally go at your own pace. Your camper can take it 5 days in a row over summer or spring break, or you can enjoy it on weekends or after school.  They can complete all 3 daily projects and the bonus challenges in a day, or focus on their favorite one. The great part about this camp is the diversity of the projects we tackle. Many stop motion courses focus solely on legos, or prompt students to create something very specific. Our project prompts are not only broad enough to let your kiddo’s creativity shine, they change each day. So, let’s say your child isn’t a fan of using food to create animations - they can always go back to a previous day’s project and try a different approach! They may even be able to use a transition technique or tip from the food lesson using one of the earlier prompts to create their own concept - and that would be awesome!


How long do we have access to the course?

How long do we have access
 to the course?

Forever. Forever ever? Forever ever!!
Seriously, you have access for the lifetime of the course, so don’t worry. There’s a good chance your kiddo will want to log back in and watch one of the lessons for a refresher, and that’s what we want them to do so they can keep learning, exploring, creating, and growing!


Do you offer refunds for this course?

Due to the nature of this course and the fact that you receive instant access upon enrollment, all sales are final and non-refundable. That being said, I want you to feel comfortable and confident signing your child up for this course, so if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a DM on Instagram (@claire.oring) or email me  before purchasing!


I’m an adult, should I enroll if I want to learn stop motion?

No. This course is specifically designed for a young audience with a focus on creativity and play. If you have any desire to learn stop motion transitions, create work at a high technical level or earn money from your work we recommend you enroll in Magic Through Motion. Our adult course will give you the technical and business skills you need for a killer stop motion portfolio.


I have a few more questions. Can I contact you?

I have a few more questions.
Can I contact you?

Of course! Let’s chat.
Email us at hello@ouicreatestudio.com

start camp today!

So, are you the match to our campfire flame?

We sure hope so! Animation Camp will not only give you the boredom anecdote you need during those lazy days of summer or spring break, it will inspire and encourage your kid to use their creativity to make art in a new way using an intuitive software program and objects you already have around your house! Bunks are getting assigned as we speak - we don’t want to start without you!

Still have questions?


I'm ready!

Check out my pro course Magic Through Motion 

mom and dad want in on the fun?